All Is Calm,

…all is bright. Now that the powdered sugar dust has settled, following the very messy, very tiring cookie caper, it is a silent night. Ahhh, peace on earth. Christmas eve upon us, but for now, feet are propped and snow is expected.

The images featured below are from my personal collection of Christmas ephemera. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of my favorites from the stash.


1670–80; < Gk ephḗmera, neut. pl. of ephḗmeros, taken as sing.;
ephemera (ɪˈfɛmərə)
n , pl -eras , -erae
1. a mayfly, esp one of the genus Ephemera
2. something transitory or short-lived
3. ( functioning as plural ) a class of collectable items not originally intended to last for more than a short time, such as tickets, posters, postcards, or labels
late 14c., originally a medical term, from M.L. ephemera (febris)  “(fever) lasting a day,” from fem. of ephemerus , from Gk. ephemeros  “lasting only one day,” from epi  “on” + hemerai , dat. of hemera  “day,” from PIE *amer-  “day.” Sense extended to short-lived insects and flowers; general sense of “transitory” is first attested 1630s.

I have collected some really nice pieces, such as these Leyendecker covers above. However, this Christmas, baby Jesus post card, out shines them all. I love it!

Throughout the year and now at this holiday season, I’m feeling very blessed with an overflowing cup. My prayer is that you are too.

Now, time for “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Merry Christmas everyone!

Gift Giving

In November we were involved in a fun “shoebox” ministry called Operation Christmas Child, a Samaritan’s Purse program. Here’s a little bit about it from the official site or you can click on the link above:

8 MILLION CHILDREN received the shoe boxes last year. OVER 130 COUNTRIES have received shoe boxes since 1993. ONE MISSION:To demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

When I first heard about this opportunity several years ago, I was immediately attracted to the idea of purchasing all of the items a child would like or need that would fit into a shoebox. The challenge alone intrigued me. I couldn’t wait to see just how much could you cram into one box for a child in need. I really like beginning the gift giving season with this small way of giving back. It feels good. This year we included contact information inside the shoe boxes, offering a chance to possibly hear back (help of an interpreter) from the recipient, who may be on the other side of the world!

You can decorate the boxes as much or as little as you like. Or not at all.

Here is the second batch of boxes, loaded up and on their way. Does anyone else participate in this Christmas shoe box ministry or maybe another one? Please write me about it or leave a comment.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14

Rest & Reflect

Following an unexpected, extremely busy week, my plan is to rest in the Lord today as I continue the studio clean up. Ahhhhh, Monday morning. Seems life refuses to slow down so, unless God has another plan for me, mine is to spend the majority of the week this way, shut in as I shuffle stuff. A very cold week too so, good weather to be inside. If you’re wondering why the job (studio clean up) is taking several months to complete, I invite you to take a look at the photos posted on March 12th, “Good, Bad and the Ugly.” I hope to have some studio “after” shots posted before the year’s end!

I’ve been reflecting over the past year through the blog this morning. Joy Studio blog began on January 24th and as I mentioned last night (winner announce), about to complete one year, my first, of blogging. The blog offers sort of, a visual reminder to me, of the ups and downs, the struggles, the joys and a nice way to reflect on the past year. It’s been a good year and a difficult one too, but a good one, just the same. It’s also the closest venue to journaling or a diary that I have ever experienced and has certainly challenged my writing and spelling skills.

My photos this morning, were taken a couple of weeks ago when I was getting a bit stressed and suddenly feeling unseasonably warm! Laying on the cool concrete sidewalk seemed like quick and perfect relief. Looking up to the heavens of course, always provides another kind of restful, de-stressing solution in itself. As I rested there and cooled down, I was impressed with the artful design that the dark trees made against the light gray sky. I must remember to take up this childhood activity again, it’s great!

Rest in the Lord and wait. Psalm 37:7

And you shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16

Ahhhhh, a restful Monday, yes? Oops, except for that quilt design that is due!

Building Updates

Do you remember my posts last June regarding our new church building? Well, we’re still going, the work continues primarily by volunteers. Here are some shots I took yesterday morning on our standing Saturday work day.

Recently, spreading mulch, hanging lights inside and out, getting tiles laid and sewing (grass) seed! You can see all of the progress at Friendship Friends.