Switching Gears


We’re back from the Jam and into market mode. Quilt Market, in two weeks.


Art Biz Jam was stupendous, what can I say.

A beautiful beach . . .


Art Licensing seminar with guest speaker Ingid Liss (Demdaco) . .

A roomful of artists . . . . .


And my daughter, Kate.

Time Out


A R T   B I Z   J A M


I signed up months ago when it seamed like a far off, fun way to spend a few days in an attempt, to rest, refresh and refocus on, the (my) art. Where it came from and possibly where it’s going and why.

A time to retreat from the extremely busy year of working, renovating, moving, etc.

And, I expect, a time to reflect, as well.

A time of learning from artist friends & associates/colleagues in the BIZ, who will be teaching.


As an extra bonus, a time to share the experience with my graphic artist daughter, Kate.

Blue Berry Beauty



The blueberries are ready to pick in the Midwest so, we had no other choice but to head out early this morning, to Huckleberry Hollow, berry patch extraordinaire.


The report we heard was that the bushes, were loaded! And they were. Row after row of beautiful blue brambles so, we were off, grabbed our pails and picked till our hearts content. Well, until we had picked twenty six quarts anyway, between four of us. Even then, it was difficult to walk away from the blue bounty.


Yum fresh berries!

BluBrryPickPro BluBrryPick4

Berries for baking . . . this fall?


And some to try now of course.


And maybe, some to paint?

Rock Church Picnic

StPPicnicChurch2Once a year the “Old Rock Church” (St Patrick’s of Armagh) near our house holds a picnic in a fundraising effort to maintain the church, cemetery and grounds. Yesterday our family attended the annual event for the first time. The day began with an 11:00 service which was uniquely inspiring, just to be sitting within the (rarely open) historic country church walls.StPPicnicChurchThe stations of the cross are depicted in these unusual antique framed prints which hang in typical fashion down both sides of the outside walls. Beautiful!StPPicnicChurch4StPPicnicChurch3A single bagpipe followed the service in memorial.StPPicninBagpipes

Favorite Summer Pick

Blackberries©jwfWe’re having a difficult time catching up with ourselves this summer due to a heavier than normal schedule. That’s why it was especially nice last week to take time out for some pure peaceful picking. Blackberry picking that is!Stainedfingers

My daughter found a quaint berry picking farm, Huckleberry Hollow, earlier this year, just thirty to forty minutes from us. It was a perfect morning, unseasonably cool and almost no other pickers. Although there were far more red berries than black, we still picked over 10 quarts of ripe berries. HHOfficeHHBlkBerryBushHHBlkBerryBush2

I washed and froze all of mine and look forward to blackberry cobbler, my favorite, this fall. Yum!HHBlackberries

Office Mate

I had the pleasure of seeing my daughter’s new offices for the first time and helping to decorate her space over the weekend. The new building is great and half the distance she previously had to commute. And – She now has twice the space and two large walls of windows, a huge treat.

A little over three months ago, her work place experienced a fire and the building was not salvageable. So, after working three months from home, it was fun to see her get settled into the new digs. She works as a graphic artist and it was a relief to learn that her hard drive (containing the majority of the company’s design files) did survive. However, all other equipment, furniture and supplies including ruler, Pantone books, light box, stapler, nearly everything, etc. were purchased new. Nice! ThinkingMan©KateFrisch Above is one of her art pieces from a college assignment who is now keeping her company on the job. Decorating updates to follow.