by Great Joy Studio | Nov 1, 2015 | Home Arts, Studio
On news stands,
T O D A Y !
Winter Issue of
Where Women Create
where our
is honored, to be among the featured artists.
Page 38!


We have three copies to S H A R E!
Leave a comment here on the blog
telling us about your favorite work space or place
where you create,
to enter this flash blog
G I V E A W A Y !
By random drawing – Winners announced January 31, 2016

Along with the Winter Issue,
we are including one of the hand made produce pincushions
that was featured in out recent
Sewing Seeds II
Quilting Treasures booth at Quilt Market.
A Letter Stitch fat quarter!

We hope you will enjoy reading our family story in
Where Women Create.
For you Dad
by Great Joy Studio | Dec 21, 2014 | Home Arts, Spiritual


Baked & Wrapped.
All in celebration of the greatest gift?
Time to refocus.

Tidings of Great Joy . . .
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

All is calm, all is bright.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
by Great Joy Studio | Apr 8, 2014 | Home Arts
R E N O V A T I O N !
Upheaval best describes the current condition of our home as well as the studio which is also greatly impacted. It is improving slowly however, creativity has been on the back burner for several weeks as a result of the chaos. I’m eagerly looking forward to regaining the creative retreat, although still weeks away. Our home sweet home is a fading memory, shown above on the first day of packing & moving EVERYTHING (nearly) into the garage. The ordeal continues to take a toll.
First, it was the floor. I decided to go with a natural maple, or so I thought. Here is the sample that I based my decision on and a couple of the boards that we received, laid diagonally across that same sample. How would a consumer know to expect these extreme dark and light boards to be the actual product from this sample? Somerset, character (grade), be warned.
Below, a before and after. After I stopped the job to wait for the back ordered replacement floor, approximately 3 more weeks. Life on the sub floor and no kitchen sink was a little rough. The good news, it gave us time to paint the walls. I understand fully why renovation jobs grow.
The staircase went in like a well thought out, giant puzzle. Watching the installation by a skilled carpenter was fascinating to watch. This job turned out beautiful with no glitches, although with today’s codes the rail is a bit tall than what we were use to. Aesthetically speaking, too tall for my visual taste but safe. At 40.5″ on the landing, no one is likely to fall over. And a long awaited rail, luxury or safety? All that is left on this task is the finish. A clear spayed lacquer has been recommended by the experts. Sprayed? Oh my! btw – I highly recommend In Step Designs.

The next major dilemma, the kitchen cabinets. I just found out yesterday that the door I chose, from a sample, was not executed in quite the same color chosen. And 90% complete!!! Again, a manufacturer’s sample misrepresentation? We’ll see, meeting today with the cabinet distributor. I’ll let you know. Ahem, tired.
We’ ve been doing our best under our circumstances, to keep up with new designs, Etsy orders and new subscriber freebies however, a few managed to get past us. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. We plan to be back to business as usual, very soon.
Feeling a bit like Humpty lately with our home project, or better perhaps, all the king’s horses & all the king’s men.
by Great Joy Studio | Aug 16, 2013 | Home Arts
The homegrown tomatoes are finally ripe, which means, time for BLT’s! Everyone’s favorite summertime sandwich, right? On the new deck too, by the way. What made these taste even better . . . we used Whole Food’s Seeduction bread. A present from my friend, thank you Annie.
Loaded with seeds, nuts and whole grains, a very yummy loaf!

by Great Joy Studio | Dec 27, 2012 | Home Arts
Thank you for the many Christmas greetings everyone! I especially enjoyed seeing the art/design work on them as well, the salutations inside. Although I (confess that) have mixed sentiments about Santa (still like him though), I am glad that so many are still sending cards, a favorite at Christmas. 

Christmas Cards History
by Great Joy Studio | Dec 11, 2012 | Home Arts
Yikes, only two weeks until Christmas? What a relief this morning, to be able and take my list straight to the computer and begin clicking away. Now, on to a couple more projects. the wrapping, lots of wrapping, Christmas cards and oh yes, the cookies. Whew!
Oh what joy it is . . .