by Great Joy Studio | Jan 19, 2018 | Quilting & Fabric, Studio
new year
a new work space!
At last
is complete!!
1 year ago,
we were
insulated, waiting for drywall and
Still Seeking Light.

Time capsule.

Well, we found it.
Windows on every wall, eight skylights and two sets of French doors with connecting elliptical above each one.
At most times of the day, the room is flooded with a generous amount of natural light.
And I love it!!!
Builders on the project couldn’t understand the need for so many windows and I was questioned from every tradesman.
I stuck to my (never enough light) priority and it turned out to be the right decision, no question.
So, beginning 2018
Joy Studio
is completely finished, furnished and finally, ready for (hiding out) creative action.
Mini photo tour
As you enter:

The large Staircase Reclaim workbench:

Drawing/painting station one:

Drawing/painting station two:

Sewing station and supplies:

Large desk:

Everything maker, supply cabinet:

Coffee station:

Sitting, thinking, dreaming area:

It was a long, extremely tough journey but worth the effort.
Every time I enter the new studio space, I feel like a kid.
and still hard to believe.
Thanks for visiting.

by Great Joy Studio | Jan 2, 2017 | Projects, Studio
Happy New Year!
Still seeking light. And still hopeful,
in more ways than just a bright, well lit work space of course.
I decided to share the Joy Studio portion and progress on our big project, to start out the blog year.
If you’ve been following us in the past two years you may remember that as we outgrew our work space it was necessary to rent additional office and Etsy shop storage areas. This was working out nicely until our shop managers MOVED! So, everything came back to the home studio causing quite the challenge in 2016.
Here’s the timeline in a photo nutshell.

Moved From The Rental

Dinning Room Designated for Drawing

Made A Plan for On Site Studio
With the former home studio now full of fabric, office and Etsy shop we (I) decided to build on our home site. A scary project but a long time dream that I never thought would be realized. Still waiting but it’s looking like in 2017, it may really happen!

Broke Ground Early July

Poured Foundation

Floor Went On

Walls Went Up

Roof Went On

Wrapped While Waiting for Windows
We were told the wait for windows would be five weeks! Then they came, in a big storm. Windows were wrong. It was then we discovered that two of the four walls were also, wrong. So, they came down and we waited for windows. And waited. And waited. It would be another five weeks. Second try, they were wrong again. Windows held up the studio project until December.

Windows Deliver During A Storm

Walls Torn Down

Wait for Walls & Windows
We kept going luckily, wrapping walls, running wires and having HVAC installed.

Electric And Furnace Installed

Shake Siding
We couldn’t leave out a fireplace of course. Built by family and friends. Nice!

Stone Fireplace

As the new Joy Studio sits now, we are fully insulated and with the correct windows.
I am starting the new year working in the designated drawing station in the dinning room at my dad’s drawing table. I’m feeling snug and . . . GRATEFUL.

Dad’s Table & Palette Tin
Looking forward to 2017 and I hope you feel the same.
I almost forgot! We are having a FABRIC special!!
Use Code: january2017 for 25% off at,
Great Joy Studio Etsy Shop
Through January.
by Great Joy Studio | Feb 11, 2016 | Studio
‘To err is human; to forgive, divine.’
An Essay on Criticism, Part II , 1711 – Alexander Pope

Please F O R G I V E me participants!
Intense focus on a new collection caused me to
the Where Women Create Studio Giveaway drawing!
Deadlines are not my strength however, this is the F I R S T one I ever missed on the blog. 🙁
So sorry.
Seventy one of you wrote to us about your work spaces and it has been a delightful read. It seams we makers have such strong personal attachments to our work spaces, wherever they may be, that we are naturally interested in each others. And I am no different. I loved reading each one of your comments on one of my, favorite subjects, the studio!
to the 3 winners! Picked at random:
- Pamela Huntington
- Barbara Struve
- Carol Kussart
Please email us with your ship to info at to receive your prize!
I sincerely appreciate all of you for sharing your creative retreats with us.
Stay tuned, for the Handmaids® Challenge Giveaway 2016 announcement next month.
Sometimes, especially during this freezing, snowy week in February, I actually like to work from my bed under a vintage quilt, as in this sneak peek on the lap top below!

by Great Joy Studio | Jan 13, 2016 | Studio
Trying to reset!

Holidays, hospital & high water presented some creative challenges at our, year’s end.
Hopeful however,
for reaching new heights in 2016.

Time to stand firm . . .
get ready for taxes!

By the way,
don’t forget to leave a comment & tell us about your creative space on our
Where Women Create Blog Giveaway
on the post link below:
Joy Studio

we are still on news stands until the end of this month,
in the
Where Women Create, Winter Issue.
by Great Joy Studio | Dec 26, 2015 | Personal Touch, Studio

On the cusp of another new year.
What’s ahead, what’s next, what’s this ole world coming to?
Anticipation, reflection and a time for start overs.
I’ve been receiving many FB ‘memories’ notices in my news feed over the past month. A few I’ve shared and some. . . I just take a peek at in amazement. Mine went back at least five years. Interesting, remarkable, some sad, etc. A whole variety of emotions are stirred up.
Likewise, here on the Joy Studio blog I can look into the archives to see what was happening a year ago, five years ago on any given month. Often either goals were being set, challenges met and times of grief, to overcome.
I didn’t realize when I started this blog, that it would serve as sort of a journal exercise for me, with an easy accessible record of the fun, the successes and the disappointments of this artful and life journey.

Where Women Create – Winter Issue 2015/16
Although I have not always held up so great, I’ve been very lucky (so to speak)/blessed and watched over. I know, that God has brought me through it all. I haven’t always seen or felt it and still have my struggles. However, looking back over the last four (tough) years, through my family, my friends (close that I’ve known for dozens of years & many of you I’ve never met) and my creative work, the love (His) and watch care is clear.
And I’m grateful.
So, whatever God has planned for this new year, I’m going to keep trying,
to be ready,
be seeking,
be better.
Thank you once again, for supporting my efforts with your heartfelt comments and interaction both here on this blog and on our Facebook pages and Instagram. It has been very encouraging.
I sincerely appreciate you! And I look forward to more creative fun and work ahead as we share our gifts.

Joy Studio on FB
Handmaids® on FB
Tidings of Great Joy on FB
by Great Joy Studio | Nov 1, 2015 | Home Arts, Studio
On news stands,
T O D A Y !
Winter Issue of
Where Women Create
where our
is honored, to be among the featured artists.
Page 38!


We have three copies to S H A R E!
Leave a comment here on the blog
telling us about your favorite work space or place
where you create,
to enter this flash blog
G I V E A W A Y !
By random drawing – Winners announced January 31, 2016

Along with the Winter Issue,
we are including one of the hand made produce pincushions
that was featured in out recent
Sewing Seeds II
Quilting Treasures booth at Quilt Market.
A Letter Stitch fat quarter!

We hope you will enjoy reading our family story in
Where Women Create.
For you Dad