As creative individuals, we all understand being inspired by our surroundings. Today I am sharing some images of my studio that I keep displayed that help to inspire me. The art is from my “Woodsy Wanderers” and “Tiny Tailors” lines. Not only were these some of the most fun to do but also as I wandered through my surroundings one summer, I was truly inspired to do them. This art group also reminds me of a time that all of the elements, that perfect balance for a joyous existence was present. It was a blessed time.
As I am finishing up on a difficult job, I needed a reminder of a state of being that brings the joy to that “gladness of heart.”
I just always love your characters! They have so much personality!
Thanks Diane, they help me grin 🙂
Your work takes my breath away. You have such a gift.
I’m also loving your studio and your surroundings. You are such an inspiration to me.
I understand sometimes how we have to revisit previous work for reassurance and to remind ourselves to use the gifts we have been given.
Just remember that we are all waiting for you to share it with us.
How’s that for adding stress to your life!!!
Oh, you didn’t stress, quite the contrary, just what I needed to hear this morning, thank you. Reassurance, yes. Always the insecure artist, especially when considering it for others, so positive comments are great to hear. Without getting too preachy, the spiritual wellness of this artist always produces the best art. Hence, this particular “Focus Adjustment” reminder is good for me today.
Joy, I can’t get enough of your art! They make me smile out loud. I’ve always loved watercolor (was difficult for me to master) and now I’m doing some acrylic. I get motivated when I see your work. Now, I just need to put that motivation to work!! Again, thanks for brightening my day!!
My gosh girl, what an amazing environment to create in. Your art is an inspiration to me. I just read what you wrote about your spiritual well being is imporatant to your creativity. So true, I’m sure. Someone as gifted as you, must have an amazing spiritual connection. Your art is a gift to us all.
When I came over here today, it was to thank you for your sweet message, but now I need to thank you for inspiring me. And what an honor it was to see my name on your blogroll!
Hi Joy
Thanks for stopping by, your work is such an inspiration, but I understand about surrounding yourself with things that make you happy. I have my little displays that inspire and make me smile
So beautiful. I love the displays of your artwork and the little things that make the surroundings so peaceful and harmonic. As I look at the pictures the feelings of serenity and peace overtake my soul. Thanks for opening your studio home to us.
In Peace,