Sweet Books

Treasured Tuesday’s – Surprisingly there were shopping opportunities during the Home Companion Workshop reception last Friday evening. A little bit of everything that I like, including my favorite, vintage children’s books! The Gardian Angel book, in French, is especially sweet.

Also one artist book, The ABC of Color! And one that I will keep, as a surprise for later. These were an unexpected treat!

Enamel Ware

Treasured Tuesday – The very first antique that I was fortunate enough to acquire, held much sentimental value for me. It was my grandmothers dresser, given to me when I was sixteen years old. Although I’m not sure why, the attraction to antiques at such an early age, just seemed like a natural. The strong interest has remained with me these many years. For the most part, I try to stay out of shops now and often describe myself as a recovering collector.

Enamel ware pots are among the first collections I began. The large pitcher, top left, is the first piece I purchased around age 19 or so. In the same shop, I also discovered a couple of nicely shaped pots with wire handles and a wooden hand grip. When my mom explained that these were old “potties,” kept under the commodes or “water closets,” they didn’t quite hold the same attraction for me. A short time later, she was able to convince me to part with those pieces.

The items shared here today are only a portion of my collection and still one of my favorite subjects to include in my artwork. Some of these will be featured in an upcoming fabric line. Stay tuned to see  when they will make their debut.

Some Local History – I only discovered in a search I conducted this morning!

Art of Papercutting

Treasured Tuesday’s – Today is featuring a couple of vintage pieces that I picked up in a little shop on my day out gallivanting last week. I couldn’t resist this stunning work. I thought of my artist friend Sharyn Sowell as soon as I saw them and was hoping she could offer an opinion regarding their history.

Face to Face

I would like to think that my designs for the marketplace are cutting edge regarding current trends. However, I’m pretty sure that in fact, I’m living behind my time. I just reactivated my account on Facebook, once again. I don’t think I like it but trying to give it a fair chance this time. So far though, sorry fellow Facebook users, I think I might hate it. It’s only been activated, this time, for one day, in a row.

I’m attracted to the much more “artistic” means of communicating brief messages to family and friends that was the custom a hundred years ago. Slower yes, but more endearing. What is our hurry? Who are we looking for? Technology is good and obviously I take advantage of many of the tools it offers, but at times, I would like to slow things down and savor the moments with the ones around me.

Sharing for Treasured Tuesday’s, collected postcards.

The Weekend

Ah, the weekend! I’m sure that we all have our low moments following a tough week at one time or another. I’m feeling a little bit like this “once upon a time” little girl today. The illustration is in one of my favorite old books that I use to study as a child. I remember wondering if she was a little sad. Jodi, you commented recently about images capturing a mood, this one always has for me. Melancholy retreat.

I am going to find out what I can about this artist, Eloise. I cannot make out the last name on this however, I’m sure I have other pieces by her. Perhaps Burns, if anyone has information about the artist, please drop me a line? I’m drawn to a few really great women illustrators from the early 20s-40s and wonder how much of a struggle it may have been for them to obtain publication.

Feeling a bit beat up on the business front this week. I’m sure that I’m not alone as we all struggle in this current market.

Adding an update:

Is Eloise Burns, later known as Eloise Wilkin, Little Golden Books? The style looks so different but perhaps this is an early piece. This image reminds me a little of a Jesse Wilcox Smith, although I do not like to compare artist’s styles.

Toy Treasures

I have never been very good about following routines but I keep trying. Last week I forgot to post a “Tuesday’s Treasure” so, today I’m sharing two. Both were depicted in my most recent fabric line, “Animal Alphabet Games” as shown here on a toy toss in yellow.

Creating this line was an extension of my fondness for vintage toys which I have collected over the years. Few of my own still remain in tact. I like to surround myself with the time worn children’s items especially the non plastic type, as a reminder and a comfort, I suppose. Also to create an inviting and interesting space for my favorite little ones that come to visit.

To see more of this fabric collection – Quilting Treasures

“Bisque dolls were all the rage from the late 1800s to around 1930. These small three inch, all bisque dolls were often referred to as Penny Dolls – About.com.” The original box was the inspiration for the tossed toy layout in the fabric group.

The second is my Humpty man, which I sculpted years ago and who has recently, lost his left shoe. The Pinocchio Puzzle box that he is sitting on was also included in this collection but I’ll  save that for next Tuesday’s Treasure.

The connection between these two items is they were both a part of my crafting venture to create some Old World Santas dolls about twenty years ago. I have one completed, one that was sold (mistake) and four spare heads still waiting for their bodies. Another story to share later.