Ah, the weekend! I’m sure that we all have our low moments following a tough week at one time or another. I’m feeling a little bit like this “once upon a time” little girl today. The illustration is in one of my favorite old books that I use to study as a child. I remember wondering if she was a little sad. Jodi, you commented recently about images capturing a mood, this one always has for me. Melancholy retreat.

I am going to find out what I can about this artist, Eloise. I cannot make out the last name on this however, I’m sure I have other pieces by her. Perhaps Burns, if anyone has information about the artist, please drop me a line? I’m drawn to a few really great women illustrators from the early 20s-40s and wonder how much of a struggle it may have been for them to obtain publication.

Feeling a bit beat up on the business front this week. I’m sure that I’m not alone as we all struggle in this current market.

Adding an update:

Is Eloise Burns, later known as Eloise Wilkin, Little Golden Books? The style looks so different but perhaps this is an early piece. This image reminds me a little of a Jesse Wilcox Smith, although I do not like to compare artist’s styles.