I should title this post, “. . . Another man’s (woman’s) treasure?”
If you have been following our art journey then you know that over the past year we have been . . .
Cleaning up,
and setting up SHOP! Our latest,

All summer (and a bit longer) we have been diligently sorting, cataloging, and prying out of my tight grip, the many collectibles in the studio. Some are very difficult to part with however, it’s time. I suppose many artists are also collectors and I cannot deny, that I am a passionate one. I acquired my first antique furniture piece at age 16, my grandmother’s dresser and have admired vintage items and antiques ever since. Not sure why, perhaps it is the detail of the workmanship? Or maybe the history of a piece that I find intriguing.
H o w e v . .
. . . my great weakness of all time, is vintage (& antique) illustration!

Yes, OLD paper. Not sure why but I get lost in an illustrated image, sigh.
I have always been fascinated by illustrations, especially pre-1960s, ever since pouring over my dad’s childhood books as a kid.
Yes, I would say fascinated!
to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, unusual nature, or some other special quality; enthrall:
I am certain, that being exposed to these interesting and sometimes charming images has inspired, shaped and contributed to my illustrative endeavors.

Anyway . . .
My collections have now become somewhat vast, I hate to admit.
Much of the ephemera I have collected was solely for inspiration and reference so, truly it has served it’s purpose,
although I still adore and never tire of viewing it.
I am opening the file drawers and am in the beginning stages, of offering some of my favorite pieces to be shared with other collector’s and admirers who share my passion. We have a long way to go so there is sure to be (LOTS) more in the coming months so please check back often. To date, we have a variety of vintage post cards and antique trade cards in the old paper category. Still listing and haven’t even started on the children’s books yet! Those will be tough.
So, I invite interested parties to take a look at
There are also vintage art supplies, paperdolls, pincushions and prints.
As well as sewing related trade cards!
Surprisingly, many of these treasures are selling as soon as we list, and before we could get anywhere close to completing this daunting process. For instance, we started with approx. twenty rocking chair sewing caddies which were intended for a She Who Sews (Rocks) challenge. Before we could organize it, the cute rockers began to disappear. Four are left.
We thought it might be a good time to share with our like minded/kindred spirits.
If you can find something you like, please enjoy.
Thanks for the visit!
Janet, every time I see something you are working on I am filled with amazement & pride. Pride because I’m related to you! You are the most creative person I know! 💕
Thank you for sharing your “stash” with us! I expect I’ll be picking up a few items from Joy Studio Vintage myself!!
Love. the. name.
LOVE love love the rocker pincushion! Good luck with the sorting and cleaning! ❤️
Uh oh! I mean down to two sewing caddy rockers. Thank you.
All of these treasures are soooo cute. I love old photos and advertisements too.
I love reading this update!!♥️