Great Joy Studio 2025 Schedule

Whew and hello!

We are grateful to be completely moved into our new office and workshop location at 16 Dreyer Ave., in Eureka, MO.

Not only moved but managed to make some repairs and dress up the tiny ‘play’ house with a brand new coat of white paint! It is quite the transformation and most of the reactions have been positive. It took a lot of work but at the same time very fun project to watch. All the while as local folks stop by and share quilt related stories I can’t help but wonder . . . where is all of this leading?

For instance, does anything change regarding our office, online shop and workshop space routine now that we’re in an actual retail location? It’s very tempting to invite the community in however, we are still suppose to be working here and we do still have deadlines to meet. The location is right in the heart of Old Town’s hustle and bustle (and noise) so it’s taking a bit of adjusting. In a good and interesting way so far.

Another very positive change that took place over the summer is a connection that we made with a few young energetic high school students from the home school community. They are eager to learn what we do and have been extremely willing to help us get in and organized no matter what the task.

As promised we are posting our plans and tentative schedule as we know it, to date.

These are the dates in mind for the 2025 workshop schedule and featured fabrics we will be using. Note, there are no firm decisions on each specific project yet. As many of you know our intimate clubhouse setting only allows us seven spaces comfortably or 10 if we hold them at the Eureka Chamber of Commerce as before and these do go quickly. Here are some to consider if you need to make travel plans:

Workshops – Quarterly

• January 9th – 10th – All My Heart Project

• April 10th -11th – Project to be determined

• July 10th – 11th – White As Snow Project

• October 9th – 10th – Queen of We’en Project

Note: These are not listed under Eventbrite and are only available with an email to me direct to reserve a spot: Write to We are working on a google doc and will post this week.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday – open studio hours (10:00 – 1:00)

• Thursday’s we will be working with our Home School workers and students.

• Friday and Saturday offerings will depend on interest:

A.) Introduction to quilting and appliqué. B) Work with volunteers interested in creating charity quilts. C.) Intro to watercolor and drawing

Visitors will need to let me know your thoughts in the comments please. The open hours will allow for short visits with me, Janet and customer’s purchases pick up upon request.

These are subject to change as we learn the interest of our new community.

Closures in the coming weeks/months:

December 6, 26 – 28

January 2 – 4

February 13 – 15

April 17 – 19

July 3 – 5

October 30 – 31

November 1, 27 – 29

December 25 – 27


The hope:

With a little more prayer and consideration over the next couple of months I trust that a sound direction for the coming year will come to light. We would appreciate hearing your interests and suggestions.

Upcoming events will post:

On Instagram @jweckerfrisch and Facebook Joy Studio-tiding of Great Joy

Great Joy Studio Office

Old Town Eureka, Mo

16 Dreyer Ave.

Parking is available in back.

Please use front door access.


Studio News

Hi Friends!

I’m going to be honest, summer is not my favorite and this one has been has been a little scary. And hot of course. It has been exciting but nerve wracking, a lot of hard work but fun and all the while fulfilling, as I complete the last steps of my entrepreneurship.

On a happier note, I’m still going! Here’s the latest:

We are nearly moved into our new office and workshop location at 16 Dreyer Ave., in Eureka, MO. Our new hours for visitors are

Thursday – Saturday from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Follow us on Instagram @jweckerfrisch and Facebook Joy Studio-tiding of Great Joy for upcoming mini classes this fall.

My three NEW fabric collections from Riley Blake Designs, “Pumpkin Patch”, “Old School” and “Press On” are in quilt shops now! Check them out at your favorite local or on line location.

Our Wonderland Workshop for October 4th is sold out. Next one is scheduled for mid January so stay tuned.

Upcoming events:

This weekend it’s off to Hamilton, Mo. and on August 19 – 20 we will be visiting our friends at Missouri Star Quilt Company! Watch for me on Jenny’s Tuesday Newsday and my interview with Misty Doan on her Homespun channel, in an upcoming episode. I am quite excited about this as you can well imagine!

Studio Class: Fused Applique Fall Place Cards – Details to come on IG and Facebook

Studio Class: Vintage Watercolor Color-Mixing Chart – Details to come on IG and Facebook

Fall Quilt Market in Houston TX is Oct. 26 – 28 where Riley Blake Designs will be introducing my new fall collections, one of which is, “Costume Makers Act II” .

Well, I think that has us all caught up. I hope to see you soon at one of these events or just drop in to say Hello. We have been enjoying meeting folks, swapping quilt stories and sharing creative journeys. We would love to know yours.

Fabric Journal, Week 5

Hello once again.

We took some time at the end of summer to do a bit of traveling so, our week five for the fabric journal post was delayed. We also took a couple days for garage and closet cleaning! In addition, the actual execution of this project is somewhat new to me and I am learning what works and what doesn’t. So I’m giving myself plenty of time for my fabric journal style to evolve. There are many techniques to try and experiment with.This is going to be an ongoing, learning process to enjoy.

Now, back to the fun fabric stuff! I have two more fun layouts signatures/pages to share. One I did in the car while riding along on the road trip. We had just received a bundle of Hush Hush II from Riley Blake Designs before we left so I grabbed our Baby Button Dot low volume sample and a bit of inspiration for this one. I stamped some words on linen scraps from Colossians 3 which was my scripture reference for this piece.

I had purchased some craft board paper doll templates some time ago and decided to cut one from Riley Blake natural linen and one out of ordinary batting. Then a dress from our Doll Closet appliqué template and adjusted to the right size. I simply layered in a pleasing layout and began to hand stitch. A perfect project while taking in the sights.

The second group of images were inspired by insects from our upcoming “Art Journal” fabric (above)! We are so eager to introduce this collection (February 2023 delivery) from Riley Blake Designs that we could not resist including a few early samples that were sent for color approval in our finished piece (below).

I asked Kate to design and cut out silhouettes in Riley Blake Black and then highlight with Best of She Who Sews measuring tapes and button dots. Once Kate had the black appliqué pieces cut out we auditioned a few of the Best of She Who Sews fabrics to see what to use for the beetle highlights and butterfly wings. Best of SWSs offers so many great options it’s difficult to choose!

After fabrics were chosen, we prepped our base signature/page fabrics, Again we used RBD Natural Linen layered with Journal Basics Ledger Paper and assembled in place to fuse. I like fusing before sewing down to assure precise placement and this offers more stability to the signature/page. We added a little more stamping and plan to continue with the sew-y theme with vintage buttons and maybe some labels. Plus I have much more sewing details to try/add but see what you think so far! We will have these bug-y appliqué kits in our shop soon.

I’m saving the Baby Button Dots beetle for a small accent pillow! Stay tuned:

Great Joy Studio/J Wecker Frisch on Instagram and Facebook

Fabric Journal, Week 4

Hi and welcome!

This will be short and sweet so if your time is limited like mine this summer, you can still squeeze in a little TAG fun!

I tried a couple of new (to me) fabric tag making processes this week and it’s ongoing. The further I explore possibilities, the more ideas that evolve. Especially with so many fabric options. For these I used the Best of She Who Sews measuring tapes fabric from Riley Blake Designs. I love these text and color rich tapes and as always the scripture snippets!

I’m sure many may have already done this with cargo tags however, I just happen to have a LARGE number of these manila paper tags so I decided to cover some with fabric. I like the stability that they offer as a base and also the look. The method I chose was the quick and easy trace, cut, sew! Here in these photos is how I did it.

I used a Frixion Pen so the lines would disappear with heat from the iron and the red sharpy to hide my careless cutting. They are not perfect, not precise but that is the sketch-y, stitch-y, journal-y charm, I was told on IG. Then I decided to trade out the white strings that came on the cargo tags for some black hemp twine to compliment the tape text.

Now, I think we need to go a bit further by stamping the backs and attaching a few trinkets of ‘found’ objects that we ALL have in our growing stash and a little layering. To see this progress however, I invite you to tune in to my socials: Instagram or Facebook.

One other new development for me this week was discovering my concise purpose for this Fabric Journal as I build and contemplate. I stated initially that it would be for personal use and since I chose such a jumbo binder there might be room to store my entire fabric designing journey! Or at least bits of the most significant items.

Again bye, for now and I hope you enjoy some create time.


Fabric Journal Wk 3

Hello Again!

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th. We were quite busy building a porch on the Joy Studio, putting me behind on my Fabric Journal project! Hopefully I am not holding anyone up but if that ever happens, please move forward with yours at your own pace.

I continued making pockets this week and made some fun die cut tags. The fabric that I used of course is She Who Sews (Best of) from Riley Blake Designs black text on white and also gray. I fussy cut some of the really cool sew-y phrases from SWSs scraps that I had to fit a small size pocket. I then layered those on top of a little larger piece of Riley Blake Natural Linen and batting, leaving raw edges on three sides of the fabric and enough to turn the pocket tops. I then attached them to the back, top of my canvas pages made last week careful not to sew the larger pocket on the pages reverse side. I plan to do a lot more of these when time allows.

I also decided to cut some small tags out of black poster board scraps that I also had on hand using a large die cut punch. They happened to be the perfect size for adding a few of my spool stamps.


Since I am learning as I go with this fabric journal I decided to experiment with some scrappy layering of SWSs gray measuring tapes, a tiny bit of gray buttons, off white linen, vintage spool tops and Sew-y text, all raw edge scraps and again with batting. This will be one of my quilted pocket pages and who knows, maybe my first attempt at some free motion sewing if I feel brave?!!

Considering my pace on this project it is likely to be a summer long series!

Keep making and please share.

Thanks for visiting/following.