Looking back, it seems I made several posts on Christmas trees, Christmas tree Art, Christmas Tree fences and Christmas tree decorations last year. Surprisingly, this year we went back to nature. A real tree!
About three weeks ago, I heard the roar of the tree trimmer’s grinding machines coming up the hill. I panicked and then started making calls and sending e-mails letting Ameren UE know that I did not wish to have my trees trimmed. I argued that they were not yet a threat to the above ground power lines in the likely hood of an ice storm. They did not agree . . .
Here is the last one of three White Pines that I planted twenty two years ago just before it got the axe, rather the chainsaw.
The good news – The topped towering pine, became our Christmas tree this year. Not your typical winter evergreen but, it’s tall (aprox 12′-14′), it’s real and it is perfect for our not so typical Christmas.
“O Tannenbaum“, or, in its English version, “O Christmas Tree“, is a Christmas Carol of German origin.
A Tannenbaum is a fir tree (German: die Tanne) or Christmas Tree (der Weihnachtsbaum). Its evergreen qualities have long inspired musicians to write “Tannenbaum” songs in German.
The best known version was written in 1824 by the Leipzig organist, teacher and composer Ernst Anschütz. The melody is an old folk tune (Lauriger Horatius). The first known “Tannenbaum” song lyrics date back to 1550. A similar 1615 song by Melchior Franck (1573–1639) begins:
- Ach Tannenbaum, ach Tannenbaum, du bist ein edler Zweig! Du grünest uns den Winter, die liebe Sommerzeit.
Merry Christmas, Janet. I love your style and remember the kitchen Christmas tree from last year! with a little white fence around it and clever vintage utensils. I wonder what you will put on this pretty tree!?
Don’t you just want to cry when you have to cut down a beautiful tree like yours. A year and a half ago, I had to take out 75 trees (similar evergreens) because of drought stress, overcrowding and disease. My mother had planted them in 1961 and in time they had become overcrowded for the area and their health, so it was sacrifice some for the good of all. After three days of hearing trees crashing, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was ready to cry. I still miss them.
I’m sorry you lost some trees. I hate that. But, your Christmas tree is beyond wonderful. I love it to bits. Enjoy the season my friend.
What a great way to try and reap some good from the inevitable tree trimmers. I have the same response when I see the trucks starting down my road!
Oh, what a tragedy, but you did the best of it…
wish you a Merry Christmas with your Tannenbaumspitze (Christmas tree peak), Love Mira!
I love your sweet Christmas tree!!
Thank you Joy – I have enjoyed it and will hate to take it down Sunday.