Main Entry: gal·li·vant
Variant(s): also gal·a·vant \ˈga-lə-ˌvant\
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: perhaps alteration of 3gallant
Date: 1823
1 : to go about usually ostentatiously or indiscreetly
2 : to travel, roam, or move about for pleasure
OK, I would have to say, the above explains where I’ve been the last couple of days. We’ve enjoyed a couple of phenomenal Spring weather days and it was just too difficult to stay indoors and work. I’ll share some details.
My friend and I had good intentions Thursday, when we ventured out on our mission to gather information and supplies for the Halloween project. However, we did begin to roam when we hit our destination, historic, downtown St. Charles.
The highlight, lunch at “Miss Aimee B’s Tea Room,” the perfect and picturesque setting to linger over lunch and enjoy a visit with my girlhood friend. Of course, dessert came in second.
Nice capture of the day. We must, must, must do that more often. Thanks so much my good, good friend.
Now get back to work! :~)
OK, I’m convinced, where are we going next? Yes, I’m working and it’s coming along quite nicely. Next though, I cut the circles!
Beautiful, Janet!
What beautiful photos! I’d love to go there. Thanks for visiting and posting on my blog (I posted about the Extreme Spring Cleaning due to heater soot, Diane Knott’s daughter). I love your artwork. Am bookmarking your site to visit it in more depth later.