This Giant Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio cresphontes) joined us late in the afternoon as we hung around the kiddie pool on their last lingering summer day. We watched in amazement as she (he?) fluttered all around us, nearly landing on each one. It never stopped flapping it’s wings so these were the best shots I could manage. A striking looking creature.I think I need to try my hand at painting some of these. This last image (not mine) I discovered during a little bit of research.
Really pretty! When we go to the beach in the fall, its usually during the migration of the Monarch butterfly. I love seeing soi many of them and find their migration so amazing.
Such a beautiful creature. I just imagine your attempt at painting one of these would also be beautiful!
What a lovely butterfly. You did a great job of capturing her beauty.
I have watched this beauty for two days so far, sitting on my tree in. Long Beach, Ca. It is the only one I have ever seen. Where is it from and how long will it just sit there?