It’s True!
Where Women Create paid our Joy Studio(s) a visit!
And you can see the feature in the Winter Issue,
on news stands Nov.1, 2015.
In addition it is my pleasure to be doing a signing
with the magazine’s creator and editor in chief,
the International Quilt Market in Houston on Saturday.
Last year at Fall Quilt Market I met the very gracious Jo, at the Sew Scary fabric debut and soon after we began the process. Another dream goal, being realized, hard to believe. The upcoming visit understandably, thrust us into high gear sprucing up and organizing both work spaces as you have seen (here) over the past months. A tall order after only just moving into to the new space last August however, quite rewarding and needed.
Re-creating the inspirational areas was perfect (God’s?) timing!
I hope you will pick up a copy
that you will enjoy reading our story.
Almost, like a fairy tale ending?
Or a new chapter.
Oh my, you are so beautiful, so professional looking here. How nice. I wish I could see you at the market. I am so proud to know you.
My “art space” is next to my kitchen. Formerly known as the “breakfast room” or “sun room” It looks like an explosion occurred — a happy explosion 😀
Thank you Rosemary.
Sew exciting! Jo is a fab gal, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. My daughter Jordan and I were feature in her Where Woman Cooks magazine.
Congratulations Janet, I look forward to seeing you in Print.
Thanks Betti. It is, very exciting and yes, a fab gal.And congratulations to you and Jordan. I would love to see.
I love everything you have done. I discovered your fabric with your sewing girls and immediately ordered it and all of the different patterns that went with “The Girls”. I am in fabric heaven with all your design and extremely pleased that you have opened a shop.
You now have a permanent customer to your new shop. I hope I can some day meet you.
God Bless you in your endivors.Carmen Rohland
Enjoying your awesome fabric i would love revamping my craft room