National Quilting Month,
means it’s time for the #IGQuiltFest2020 hosted by Amy Ellis @amyscreativeside on Instagram!
Most likely you’re familiar with the event that works around a daily quilt related post prompt, plus opportunities to win a variety of giveaways!
Ours is Day 8, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Perfect, since I have been ‘upcycling’ for a very long time.
You can view my IG post on Sunday, March 8 @jweckerfrisch
One can quickly tell from looking at anything I create that I am crazy about antique and vintage EVERYTHING! This influence is apparent in my art, fabric and interior design. Not only a collector but as a maker I always see a potential use for anything typically discarded so, the studio is always full of possible medium for future creations. And, if it’s not being used to make something, an item may double for creative storage or organizing.
The shots below are some of the reuses of items picked up along the journey and my post focus.
1) Antique Pre-Hoosier cabinet, red bistro chair and locker room baskets make great sewing supply storage. Fabrics shown are Painters Palette, Couturiere Parisienne (in shops) and a sneak peek of Snow Sweet (delivers in June) both from Riley Blake Designs.
Maybe you will notice the three year old studio shift since I began learning to quilt. It’s true! The turn of the century pre-hoosier cabinet once housing all of my art and crafting supplies is beginning to fill up with the current fabric collections that can clutter during sample making for markets and event preps. Sew far Paperdoll, Costume Makers Ball, Painters Palette, Couturiere Parisienne, Goose Tales and Snow Sweet collections from our fabric partner, Riley Blake Designs, have passed across the tables, filled the cupboards and been stacked on every flat surface available in the Joy Studio at one time or another.
2.) Auto shop ‘Creeper’ rolling cart under the cabinet is the perfect size for fabric bolts.
3). Saved vintage canvas bags and select clothing items have found their way into our appliqué quilt project testing. The upcycled materials snowman below is included in our quilt pattern for this summer’s Snow-A-Long which features “Snow Sweet” fabrics from Riley Blake Designs.
Thank you for the visit!
Please leave me your thoughts in comments and . .
ENTER to WIN Painters Palette RBD Fabric Bundle GIVEAWAY @amyscreativeside on Instagram Sunday, Day 8!
Happy National Quilting Month and thank you Amy for hosting #IGQuiltFest.
G R A T E F U L,
to be living the abundant life. John 10:10
Thank you for sharing your beautiful designs. I love how you reuse and recreate plain things into works art. My mother passed away last week and I’m going to use and repurpose her clothes into two quilts for my aunts, her sisters.
Thank you Karen, that is so nice to know. I am attracted to ‘plain’ everyday things that have artistic shape, color or craftsmanship. And, if it’s old, like myself! Lol
I love love love your fabrics!.
Thank you! I have loved creating them and actually sewing with them too, now.
Thank you thank you thank you , for repurposing antiquities. I have a kitchen Hoosier of my great grandmas that I use for a desk, and a Flour Bin that is filled with quilts for my family to grab a quilt and watch an OLD BLACK & WHITE Movie with cuddles on the couch. I can’t wait for the new fabric! Thank you for inspiring me with amazing designs!!
Thanks Julee. What a treat to have your great Grandmas hoosier! Such a treasured piece.
Is this where the #igquiltfest2020 day 8 contest comments are supposed to be entered? It’s been a real treasure hunt to find the form. If this isn’t it, I am really stumped. Well, really, I am @wwsweetonion on Istagram. 🙂 BTW, the little black rocker pincushion and notions holder is a charmer!
Thank you Sally! Please enter through @amyscreativeside on Instagram. I believe she has a link in her profile called so hit that. Then hit the top gray bar called IGQuiltFest Giveaway Hub. Scroll down on that screen to my name which says J Wecker Frisch Giveaway and should get you to the form. Thanks for your comment here on my blog as well where, I hope you’ll be a frequent visitor.
Thank you!!