from "Woodsy Wonders" fabric

Often when I commit to a project that I do not want to do, I become stuck.  This is the downside of working at your craft/skill that I do not enjoy.  Creativity, for me, the work flows so much smoother, almost effortlessly, when the art comes from within.  As a creative individual, ideas are always there, just beneath the surface, compelled to burst out through the lead of the pencil.  However, when forced, such as a commissioned piece, it is a continuous struggle and not the ideal way to execute a drawing. Luckily, I have another project that I can bounce back and forth to.  More, my cup of tea, or should I say coffee?

"Woodsy Wonders" - book panel

The bugs for instance, created one July in a hotel since we lost our electric & air conditioning, were pure fun to draw. The Woodsy Journal quilt was created and quilted by Joan Ford. Project instructions can be found on the Home Arts projects page of –

Woodsy Wanderer

The summer spent creating my Woodsy Wanderer group I remember walking, just a little closer to the Creator of all the little woodsy creatures.  That helps too!