AngelBandHeaderOur “Angel Band” presentation

In the Quilting Treasures booth

At the Spring International Quilt MarketABFullBooth

The patchy wall/throw quilt was made by Diane O’ Shea

using the small patch panel.AngelBandFearNotPtchJWFAngelBandJoyfulNoisePtchJWF

The giant pincushion pillows (Amy Butler’s Puffy Pillow pattern)

& the apron were made by Nancy McClellan

using the vintage patterns and the festive forms.GiantPinCushionPillowsJWFAngelBandApronJWF

I had fun making the Angel Band bunting and decorating it with bits of ephemera, old photos, notions & a variety of saved gadgets. Of course, any greeting can be printed and traded out for A N G E L B A N D, to suit your personal holiday project.

I also hand stitched the dress form ornaments which can then double as gift tags for a personal touch on muslin backs.AngelBandLtrStchJWFHAngelBandJWFFestiveFormsOrn3ABOrnamentsStitchingAngelBandGirlJWFAngelBandNotionsJWF

The “Christmas Story Quilt” (pictured at top, left) using the large patch panel is a free project you can download at

Each one of the angel’s patches contains a snippet of the scripture story reference.

The “Angel Band” fabric collection (by J. Wecker Frisch) will be available in quilt shops

June 2014.