The 500 Year celebration of the Decorated Christmas Tree!
“Christmas Traditions” New product line now available.

About a year ago I was introduced to the fascinating commemorative event. It started me on a captivating journey into the Christian efforts of a 500 year old tradition! As I began researching the subject, it was surprising to learn about the many customs that have evolved through the centuries surrounding the Christmas tree. Quickly, I experienced a strong connection as the story unfolded.

Last November, I was privileged to be the artist chosen by the National Christmas Tree Association to illustrate the celebration of the event. In the weeks that followed, the challenge to depict the various traditions began. The decorated fir tree originated in Riga, Latvia (northern Europe) in the 1500s and the custom has continued these many years to be the central focus of Christmas traditions today. Perhaps, like me, as you read the recorded facts, you will come to sense the strong Christian influence, continually at work impacting the decorative elements.

The Christmas tree traditions are conveyed in a series of six classic storybook style, illustrations of the popular decorations over five centuries. The glass ornaments, cards and textiles also include six children in period costume. Within all of the designs, the popular trend of decorative text, enhance the images with historic dates and details.

Products include dinnerware (Canterbury Potteries), glass ornaments, cards, limited edition prints (Fine Art LTD.) and high quality quilting fabric. All are accompanied with the printed story of each century’s significant decorative contribution.

Country Door & Bass Pro shops – dinnerware
Fine Art LTD. – Glass ornaments, cards & prints
Quilting Treasures – Quilt fabric available March, 2011, exclusively in quilt shops

Riga – Be sure to watch this, it’s really fun!