Woke up to snow today, both outside and in, that is, on the Christmas tree. I decided yesterday afternoon, to go with the cut paper snowflakes for the decorations once again. Notice, it resembles the tree in my illustration of the 2000 Theme Tree –Ā  “500 Years of the Christmas Tree” program.

Still snowing (12:00pm), although only three inches are expected. Enough to inspire me to finish unpacking the last of the holiday trimmings, the snowmen.

In keeping with the week’s cookie theme, pictured above is a feature I clipped out of the magazine surplus, on traditional springerle German Christmas cookies. Included in the photo is my snowman ice cream mold and an unusual bottle that I stumbled upon in a a local antique shop quite a few years ago. The same is the case for these two sets of vintage snowmen salt & pepper shakers.

Snow, snow beautiful snow.